Speaker Opportunities

Nashville Cable invites you to submit a proposal for upcoming programs to be held throughout the next year in Nashville, TN. Cable offers innovative and timely programming via monthly membership luncheons, periodic networking events and special event workshops presented by knowledgeable speakers. These educational programs cover an array of topics to meet the broad needs of our diverse membership. This is your opportunity to share your expertise and tap your creativity by developing an original program for presentation. Proposals specifically tailored to meet the needs of our membership of women business leaders and entrepreneurs are strongly preferred.

Audiences at Cable programs are diverse in experience, professions and industries and are eager to be engaged by the speaker and leave with a relevant take-away.  Cable members appreciate challenging topics and they are noted for their high expectations.  Like all adult learners, Cable members are eager to interact with those presenting information and especially appreciate educational programs that offer concrete ideas that can be adapted for and implemented in their organizations.

Breadth and Range of Topics Sought
Cable seeks a broad range of topical presentations for its monthly membership luncheons, periodic networking events and special event workshops supporting the mission of Cable.  Cable also seeks suggestions from local speakers who could be called upon with short notice in the unlikely event of a last-minute cancellation by the planned speaker.

Proposal Selection Criteria
The Programs Committee will review each proposal based on the following criteria:

Proposals should illustrate that the speakers will make every effort to present a balanced point of view in each program. When developing a panel presentation, speakers from multiple organizations and perspectives should be chosen.

In addition, each program proposal should:

The proposal application form will ask you for a program description, learning objectives, and instructional methods. In providing this information, please provide enough detail so the planning committee can understand how the session will be structured and what key issues will be covered.  Proposals from Cable members and non-members will be given equal consideration.

Timelines and Terms

The selected Speaker will be subject to the following provisions:

  1. Agreement to Perform Speaking Services. The date, timelines, and terms of the speaking engagement will be outlined and confirmed in writing by the Cable Programs Committee to selected speaker after proposals are selected.
  2. Non-­­solicitation. Marketing and sales to attendees may only be conducted in a designated, pre-planned Vendor Exhibition area.  Speaker presentations must not be used as a platform to promote products or services. Opportunities for sponsorships are also available.
  3. Discrimination prohibited. The selected speaker will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability or national origin, unless required as a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operations of the selected speaker.
  4. Presentations at the monthly networking luncheons are limited to 40 minutes including Q&A.  Presentations at other networking events may be more or less than 40 minutes.  Special Workshop Events are generally half-day events, 2-4 hours in length.

Cable reserves the right to cancel the engagement with the speaker at any time with or without cause and with or without notice, and in the event of any such cancellation; Cable shall have no liability to the speaker because of the cancellation.

Please complete the Speaker Proposal Form below.

Speak at a Cable Event

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    Attach any pertinent documents, such as professional bio, photo, articles, etc